Leaving his office in Irvine one day, Jeremy noticed a stunningly gorgeous woman standing in front of his building, waiting for a ride. "Are you ok, do you need a lift?" he asked. "Thank you, but I'm waiting for my friend," she said.
A second sighting of the beautiful miss Rachel in the hallway confirmed what he suspected....she worked in his building! Now he just needed the right excuse to strike up a conversation and a good opportunity. But when? And how?
Scarlett, Jeremy's blind dog, was apparently taking care of that for him. Scarlett was a regular at the office and the pair walked everyday at lunch. Rachel saw them out one day and thought "can I pet that dog!!??" She ventured out into the parking lot to ask to meet her.
The meeting went well. It turns out they were both into mountain biking, both owned dogs, loved camping, and the outdoors. Rachel's off-roading jeep was parked nearby and it had her Instagram handle on the back. "Perfect!" he thought, as he slid into her DMs.
They planned a coffee meetup, with the dogs in tow. It was super important this go well but cattle dogs are notoriously unpredictable and feisty. Jeremy was nervous. "Better get Scarlett stoned before we meet," he thought. But there was nothing to worry about; Scarlett and Rachel's pug Molly were quick friends!